Life is Like Football | ||
The goal in life, Is to get a touchdown, But its hard to do, With defenders around, Make sure to hold the ball, When you hit the ground. Some days you run, Others you throw, You never know, How many yards you’ll go, Brace for impact, You might be sacked. Get some yards, Come so close, To first down, But you must punt, Some people call this, Giving up. One day the football, Slips from your hands, A fumble, Its up to you, | Will it be saved? Or will it be lost? A foul is called, When you mess up, A mistake to learn from, Sometimes a timeout, Is all you need, To learn to get out there, And take the lead. You may be on defense, Offense or safety, Its not everything, To be quarterback, Everyone has a part, In the game of life. And when that catch is received, In the touchdown zone, You stop a while, And do a dance, 15 points are needed, Winning this game, You have a chance. | |
Life is a never-ending story and so is my blog. There is much, much more to come, so keep reading my friends! |
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, September 13, 2010
Shana Tova
We look to the future with hope - yet with trembling,
Knowing that uncertainties accompany the new year.
Help us, O G-d to look forward with faith,
And to learn from whatever the future may bring.
If we face disappointment,
Help us to learn patience.
If we face sorrow,
Help us to learn sympathy.
If we face pain,
Help us to learn strength.
If we face danger,
Help us to learn courage.
If we face failure,
Help us to learn endurance.
If we achieve success,
Help us learn gratitude.
If we attain prosperity,
Help us to learn generosity.
If we win praise,
Help us learn humility.
If we are blessed with joy,
Help us to learn sharing.
If we are blessed with health,
Help us to learn caring.
Whatever the new year may bring,
May we confront it honorably and faithfully.
May we know the serenity which comes to those
Who find their strength and hope in the Lord.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My friend Kathy tells me I am bold for blogging about love. Well, here's more love talk.
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Took an overnight with John to the Lodge at Woodloch Spa. John's not exactly the spa type but it was nice to get away together.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Chosen, Chaim Potok

"When I was young, my father, may he rest in peace, began to wake me in the middle of the night, just so I would cry. I was a child, but he would wake me and tell me stories of the destruction of the Jerusalem and the suffering of the people of Israel, and I would cry. For years he did this. Once he took me to visit a hospital- ah, what an experience that was!- and often he took me to visit the poor, the beggars, to listen to them talk. My father himself never talked to me, except when we studied together. He taught me with silence. He taught me to look into myself, to find my own strength, to walk around inside myself in company with my soul. When his people would ask him why he was so silent with his son, he would say to them that he did not like to talk, words are cruel, words play tricks, they distort what is in the heart, they conceal the heart, the heart speaks through silence. One learns of the pain of others by suffering one's own pain, he would say, by turning inside oneself, by finding one's own soul. And it is important to know of pain, he said. It destroys our self-pride, our arrogance, our indifference towards others. It makes us aware of how frail and tiny we are and of how much we depend upon the Master of the Universe. Only slowly, very slowly, did I begin to understand what he was saying. For years his silence bewildered and frightened me, though I always trusted him, I never hated him. And when I was old enough to understand, he told me that of all people a tzaddik especially must know of pain. A tzaddik must know how to suffer for his people, he said. He must take their pain from them and carry it on his shoulders. He must carry it always. He must grow old before his years. He must cry, in his heart he must always cry. Even when he dances and sings, he must cry for the suffering of his people."