Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ever since I began this blog, I have been waiting to write about The Committed Life, a book by Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis..

I read this book in the fall, and since it spoke to everything in which I believe, I told my husband that if he really wanted to know me, he should read it. Of course, he won't, mostly because he already thinks he knows who I am, but also because in his busy life, working to provide for our family, he rarely has a free moment that isn't already booked with our children's activities and family commitments.

I have refered this book to almost every person I know and they in turn have refered it to their friends.
A few people have said its a little too positive, but most have found it inspiring, if not life changing.

The back cover says," Drawing on the timeless wisdom of the Torah, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis reminds us of the principles necessary for living a better and more committed life. Inspirational and deeply moving, this book will touch your heart like no other."

My favorite chapters are on Charity-Tzedukah, Peace, Compassion, Gratitude and Time, but each page has precious words of wisdom. It is a book you will want to own, so that you can underline, mark all over it, and pick it up again and again.

As the Rebbetzin writes," A long life is not good enough, but a good life is long enough."

Read the book and live a fulfilling life!

Thank you Rebbetzin Jungreis for one of my most special and useful 50th birthday presents. Your book is a present that keeps on giving. It gives me something to think about and something to work on everyday. I love the way it makes me feel and helps me live my life.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia-

    I had been dying to spend some time reading your blog so I sat down this evening and spent the last 20 minutes catching up. Even though I speak with you every day - it is funny that I still found out many things about your week that I didn't know. Even better is that your writing has gotten more amusing as you progress on this "journey" and I would readily admit that it is all very interesting and delightful to read! I always knew you had the gift of gab but am impressed with what an amazing writer you are-

