Monday, January 11, 2010

I received a totally unexpected and totally fantastic birthday gift this Saturday!

The day started uneventfully when I took Reid to get a ski jacket that he had been patiently waiting for since Hannukah. Then, off to meet my mother for lunch.

While with my mom, she mentioned a mutual friend who I hadn't seen in a while. I gave her a call and the next thing you know, she was at my home, not just for the afternoon, but for an overnight with her two adorable girls, Emmy 10, and Teddy 5.

When my families away, I really can play. And boy did I play!

First, I helped the girls bake cakes for their teachers, which they decorated beautifully with icing, sprinkles and chocolate chips. Chinese dinner followed by bubble baths, rose scented massages, and hair braiding. Emmy went through my closet and instructed me on up-to-the-minute fashion trends, informing me that I was wearing my socks too high and that I needed to roll them down to my ankles for a more stylish affect. 

I awoke to the sound of giddy, giggling girls and made a lovely pancake breakfast.  A make-up session in which Teddy put mascara on my cheeks and lip gloss on my forehead proved most entertaining. Later, Emmy and I played her video game, pretending to be clothing aficionados, choosing fashionable outfits for various customers entering our virtual store. Hooray for Emmy who competed against the best designers and won her competition!!!

We were all sad when the party ended, especially me. The joy that filled my home and heart from the moment they arrived to their last goodbye was overwhelming. 

My husband John once commented, when all my boys were gathered together, so happily watching football, and I was aimlessly wondering the house looking for something to do, that maybe things would be different if we had a girl. At that time, I adamantly disagreed, thinking that having a girl would only divide our family life into sexist parenting roles.

Well, I was wrong.  I certainly cherish my three wonderful sons and wouldn't trade them for the world. But girls, especially very girly girls like Emmy and Teddy, are, like boys,  their own unique precious gift to the world and they are, I can now admit, something I have missed since my teaching days.

So, on this, my fiftieth birthday year, I feel fortunate to have celebrated with these beautiful girls and indulged in being a girly girl myself.

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